Centracs Server-to-Server brings together the City of Littleton and the City of Englewood in Colorado
In August 2016, Econolite Systems implemented a regional Server-to- Server (S2S) interface between the local Centracs systems in the City of Englewood and City of Littleton, Colorado. The individual Agencies were responsible for establishing the communications connections between their respective systems/facilities.
Econolite was responsible for the on-site update of each Agencies’ Centracs system to Version 1.11 as well as the Centracs S2S system software module installation. At the time of these upgrades/installations, the S2S module was enabled. The Centracs S2S module allows the Cities’ Centracs systems to seamlessly share data and communicate with each other in order to facilitate cross-jurisdictional management and monitoring of each other’s intersections. With Centracs S2S technology, each Agency can maintain full control over which devices are exposed to the other’s Centracs system. In addition, each Agency controls the data that is published and how much system control is given or shared across the S2S interface.
The Centracs S2S technology allows Agencies to operate using different modes or approaches. The flexibility of the design allows the system to be configured to meet a variety of cross-agency needs. From a high-level, there are two (2) main ways to use the Centracs S2S module:
- Interactive – This approach allows one Agency to use S2S features to simply observe or monitor another Centracs system. Adding to these monitoring capabilities, another approach enables the Centracs system at one Agency to command operations on another Agency’s Centracs system, down to the intersection level as needed.
- Automated – The second high-level approach or application for using Centracs S2S includes the functionality of the Interactive applications. The additional functionality offers automated operations like sharing of detector data and Traffic Responsive as well as Time-of-Day scheduling of operations across systems.
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