Richmond VA

RICHMOND, VA – Communication Networks

Oct 1, 2021 | Communication Networks

Econolite Systems furnished, installed and integrated the central system hardware and software, performed all database conversions, completed the intersection graphics, and much more!

As the center of a metropolitan area of over one million people, Richmond’s arterial network serves a tremendous demand, day in and day out. Managing that daily demand, Richmond’s traffic signal system had been in service for nearly 20 years, a lifetime in computer hardware and software technology.

The City selected Econolite Systems to install Centracs and integrate the City’s Traffic Control & Safety Enhancements Improvements Project. Through contemporary traffic control and management tools, the new system will allow the City’s systems, ITS, and traffic signal staff to work more efficiently and have a greater impact on the performance of Richmond’s arterial network.

As the prime contractor, Econolite was responsible for furnishing, installing and integrating the central system hardware and software including 370 TS-2 Type 2 traffic signal controllers and several TS-2 cabinets. Additionally, Econolite performed all database conversions, and completed the intersection graphics.

Subsequent to the above project, the City issued a second contract to complete the communications backbone composed of a mix of fiber optic cable, wireless radios, and re-use of the prior systems twisted pair cable. Econolite, in partnership with Midasco LLC, was successful in securing this additional work and was responsible for:

  • Design of the Ethernet network including network topology and assignment of all IP addresses
  • Procurement, installation, programming, and integration of over 300 fiber and VDSL switches
  • Procurement, installation and integration of 18 wireless radios
  • Procurement, installation, and integration of 12 CCTV cameras
  • Integration of all traffic signal controllers
  • Signal Shop and TOC improvements
  • Training and Support


Econolite’s core intelligent traffic solutions:

Cabinets | Controllers | Software | Sensors | Professional Services

About Econolite

Econolite’s ITS solutions ease traffic congestion, provide safer mobility, and improve quality of life. As the one-stop-shop leader for traffic management systems, sensor products, and services, Econolite is committed to the advancement of connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and cybersecurity. For more information, visit us at

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