Econolite Systems furnished, installed and integrated the central system hardware and software, performed all database conversions, completed the intersection graphics, and much more!
As the center of a metropolitan area of over one million people, Richmond’s arterial network serves a tremendous demand, day in and day out. Managing that daily demand, Richmond’s traffic signal system had been in service for nearly 20 years, a lifetime in computer hardware and software technology.
The City selected Econolite Systems to install Centracs and integrate the City’s Traffic Control & Safety Enhancements Improvements Project. Through contemporary traffic control and management tools, the new system will allow the City’s systems, ITS, and traffic signal staff to work more efficiently and have a greater impact on the performance of Richmond’s arterial network.
As the prime contractor, Econolite was responsible for furnishing, installing and integrating the central system hardware and software including 370 TS-2 Type 2 traffic signal controllers and several TS-2 cabinets. Additionally, Econolite performed all database conversions, and completed the intersection graphics.
Subsequent to the above project, the City issued a second contract to complete the communications backbone composed of a mix of fiber optic cable, wireless radios, and re-use of the prior systems twisted pair cable. Econolite, in partnership with Midasco LLC, was successful in securing this additional work and was responsible for:
- Design of the Ethernet network including network topology and assignment of all IP addresses
- Procurement, installation, programming, and integration of over 300 fiber and VDSL switches
- Procurement, installation and integration of 18 wireless radios
- Procurement, installation, and integration of 12 CCTV cameras
- Integration of all traffic signal controllers
- Signal Shop and TOC improvements
- Training and Support
Econolite’s core intelligent traffic solutions:
Cabinets | Controllers | Software | Sensors | Professional Services