Charlotte NC

Charlotte, NC – Centracs Implementations

Sep 27, 2021 | Centracs Implementations

An integrated solution utilizing Centracs ATMS for the system software and Econolite’s ASC/3 controller hardware and software on the street

The City of Charlotte operates and maintains nearly 800 signalized intersections under its jurisdiction. Charlotte developed a detailed set of procurement documents and implemented an exhaustive field trial process to ensure that they didn’t just see “the demo”, but could witness actual operation in real world conditions.

At the completion of the evaluation, the City selected Econolite Systems as their integrator, utilizing Centracs ATMS for the system software and Econolite’s ASC/3 controller hardware and software in the intersections. All with the addition of one minor requirement – the system deployment and changeover had to be completed within six months from Notice to Proceed!

Econolite responded to the challenge with a fast track schedule that compressed initial design activities, placed a priority on early system deployment, and then staged the field data conversion and cutover with significant parallel activity between the City and Econolite staff. The system design document was completed and approved 30 days after Notice to Proceed and the system was installed and operational on-site within 60 days. At the three-month mark, all of the 145 CBD controllers had been replaced and cutover to the new system.

The next phase of the project included the replacement of the existing 2070 software with Econolite’s ASC/3-2070 software. As part of the project, Econolite performed data conversion for all of the controllers brought online, as well as developed detailed system graphics. The City’s GIS department, using a Web Map Service (WMS) interface to the Centracs system, provided the aerial background for the graphical maps and Econolite completed this integration.

The rapid deployment of Centracs was no stroke of luck. With over 50 systems deployed in the two years prior to the Charlotte acceptance, this experience had been repeated over and over across the US, Canada, and abroad with successful installation continuing to this date. The unique architecture of the Centracs system, combined with the extensive use of computer industry standards in its development, makes deployment a low-risk proposition.


Econolite’s core intelligent traffic solutions:

Cabinets | Controllers | Software | Sensors | Professional Services

About Econolite

Econolite’s ITS solutions ease traffic congestion, provide safer mobility, and improve quality of life. As the one-stop-shop leader for traffic management systems, sensor products, and services, Econolite is committed to the advancement of connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and cybersecurity. For more information, visit us at

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